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City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Try... 

Taylor Bazley <> 

Fwd: Try... 

8 messages 

Mike Bonin <> Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 11:37 AM 

To: Taylor Bazley <>, ,," <> 


Councilmember, 11th District 
(213) 473-7011 
www. 11 th 
twitter: @mikeboninLA 

-Forwarded message- 

From: <> 

Date: Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 11:16 AM 
Subject: Try... 


Hey Mike- 

Try walking your kids and maybe a baby carriage through this to the park. 

Try being a single woman and navigating your evening run through this. 

Try taking your dogs for a walk and avoiding the garbage and food—and human—waste. 

Try riding your bike, alone or with your kids, though this. 

Try getting a good night’s sleep with loud noise and partying outside your window. 

Try not to get upset when you see a guy peeing right here...or a woman throwing a bag of feces in 
the bushes by your house. 

All things my neighbors and I have had to and do endure. 

It has actually been—and currently is—worse than when I took these photos. 

I know this is not an easy situation but this can’t be the answer. As I mentioned in previous email, 
from what I observe some of these people are choosing to be here. [Yesterday I saw a well 
dressed young woman standing there laughing, eating out of a takeout container and chatting on 
her cell phone.] And none of them are abiding by any norms or laws. The tents are up all the 
time...and the stuff metastasizes daily. And, by the way, I didn't need to be admonished by Taylor in 
your office for referring to the people here as "they" or "them". I was and am referring to all the 
people at the end of my street. Let him come and live next to this. 

If a consent decree is keeping the city from cleaning these sites up because it needs to safeguard 
their possessions, it boggles my mind that you and the council have been unable to secure places 
to store this junk and trash-and I have observed up close that it is predominantly junk and trash- 
and bikes. 

My neighbors and I have had it. You and the city are failing us. And, by the way, we are mostly 
caring and socially responsible people. I wouldn’t even care that much if a few people came every 
evening, pitched a tent for the night and carried on. Not that that should be the solution either, but 
until a grander plan is able to be implemented, OK. 

But this is totally wrong and unacceptable. 

3/18/2019 City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Try... 


Saul C. Janson, Esq. 

213 Rose Avenue, Suite B 
Venice, CA 90291 

Debbie Dyner Harris <> Wed, Jan 4, 2017 at 11:58 AM 

To: Mike Bonin <> 

Cc: Taylor Bazley <> 

taylor, can you please respond to Saul today? thanks 

[Quoted text hidden] 

https ://mail.googlexom/mail/u/0?ik=77a710fe3c&view=pt&search=a I l&permthid=thread-f%3A1555533384351526026&simpl=msg-f%3A15555333843... 2/7 


City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Try... 

Debbie Dyner Harris 

District Director 
Councilmember Mike Bonin 
City of Los Angeles 

Sig n Up for Mike T s Email Updates 

Download the City of Los Angeles MyLA311 app for smartphones! 

MyLA311 links Angelenos with the services and information they need to enjoy their city, beautify their community and stay connected with their 
local government. With MyLA311, City of Los Angeles information and services are just a few taps away. 

Mike Bonin <> Wed, Jan 4, 2017 at 12:01 PM 

To: Debbie Dyner Harris <debbie,> 

Cc: Taylor Bazley <> 

can you guys tell me what is going on here? i looked thru old emails and saw ehuy was handling this about a year ago, 
but have not heard this area was a problem recently, what is the situation and what is being done? 

[Quoted text hidden] 

Taylor Bazley <> Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 8:53 PM 

To: Mike Bonin <> 

Cc: Debbie Dyner Harris <> 

I apologize for the slowness of my response. 

Homeless activity has gotten pretty bad over the past two months or so at this stretch. This is a rare occasion when the 
photos are even understated from what I have seen firsthand. In the "short term" I asked for a cleanup here (a little less 
than a month ago) and continue to follow up on that. They usually take at least a month so this is not atypical for 

In the more long term, I am in very frequent communication with a committee of constituents we helped put together after 
a big community meeting a few months ago. Constituents hired an architectural firm and are designing a landscape 
project to beautify/activate the area. The biggest issue is the space isn't used and there isn't anything there. The initial 
concept included an informal walk path, an informal bike path, vegetation, and landscaping for the entire deserted street. 

It is a wildly popular plan for this area and we are coming out ahead at least for now. I'm meeting with the leader next 
week to go over what they have come up with and then they will seek permits to implement. 

Additionally, a lot of the adjacent property owners are looking to assume ten more feet of property through the process of 
street vacation. The plan is going ahead as if that isn't happening since it is such a long process. 


[Quoted text hidden] 

Taylor Bazley 

Field Deputy - Venice , OFW, Silver Strand , Marina Peninsula 

Councilmember Mike Bonin 

City of Los Angeles 

310-575-8461 | www. 1 


Sig n Up for Mike’s Email Updates 

Download the City of Los Angeles MyLA311 app for smartphones! I l&permthid=thread-f%3A1555533384351526026&simpl=msg-f%3A15555333843... 3/7 


City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Try... 


^ Goo^e ptoy 

MyLA311 links Angelenos with the services and information they need to enjoy their city, beautify their community and stay connected with their 
local government. With MyLA311, City of Los Angeles information and services are just a few taps away. 

Debbie Dyner Harris <> 
To: Taylor Bazley <> 

Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 10:13 AM 

please make sure you get back to the constituent, thanks 
[Quoted text hidden] 

Taylor Bazley <> 


Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 2:10 PM 

Hi Saul, 

lm happy that I have a good response for this. In a lot of places around the City there are pretty limited things we are able 
to do because of various court rulings against the City on how it enforces code relating to personal property and 
encampments. On Frederick however, we have a tremendous oppurtunity and one which many of your neighbors have 
already been moving on. I have been in frequent communication with a committee of neighbors (even met with them in 
person this past Wednesday) about a plan to reactivate this space. Walk path, garden, landscaping, boulders, etc. etc. 

They have hired a landscape architectural firm to design a plan, we have committed to making sure the permits get 
approved expediiously, and I have even made the commitment to looking for City dollars to fund at least some of it (if not 

most or all!). 

Once it is activated, once it is relandscaped, you will have a beautifully new pocket of your neighborhood and one which it 
is unlikely that people will be unlikely to set up encampments. Rest assured this exact street is a very high pnonty for this 
office and plans are moving ahead at what is by City standards - break neck pace. 



-Forwarded message- 

From: <> 

Date: Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 11:16 AM 
Subject: Try... 


Try walking your kids and maybe a baby carriage through this to the park. 

' Try being a single woman and navigating your evening run through this. 

Try taking your dogs for a walk and avoiding the garbage and food-and human-waste. 

Try riding your bike, alone or with your kids, though this. 

Try getting a good night's sleep with loud noise and partying outside your window. 

Try not to get upset when you see a guy peeing right here...or a woman throwing a bag of feces 

in the bushes by your house. 

All things my neighbors and I have had to and do endure. 

It has actually been—and currently is—worse than when I took these photos. 

I know this is not an easy situation but this can't be the answer. As I mentioned in previous email, 
from what I observe some of these people are choosing to be here. [Yesterday I saw a well 
dressed young woman standing there laughing, eating out of a takeout container and patting on 
her cell phone.] And none of them are abiding by any norms or laws. The tents are up an the 
time and the stuff metastasizes daily. And, by the way, I didn't need to be admonished by Taylor 
in your office for referring to the people here as "they" or "them". I was and am referring to all the 
people at the end of my street. Let him come and live next to this. 

If a consent decree is keeping the city from cleaning these sites up because it needs to 
safeguard their possessions, it boggles my mind that you and the council have been unable to 


City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Try... 

secure places to store this junk and trash-and I have observed up close that it is predominantly 
junk and trash--and bikes. 

My neighbors and I have had it. You and the city are failing us. And, by the way, we are mostly 
caring and socially responsible people. I wouldn't even care that much if a few people came 
every evening, pitched a tent for the night and carried on. Not that that should be the solution 
either, but until a grander plan is able to be implemented, OK. 

But this is totally wrong and unacceptable. 


Saul C. Janson, Esq. 

213 Rose Avenue, Suite B 
Venice, CA 90291 

(310) 452 7975 5/7 


City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Try... 

Taylor Bazley 

Field Deputy - Venice, OFW, Silver Strand, Marina Peninsula 
Coimcilmember Mike Bonin 
City of Los Angeles 
310-575-8461 hnra 7 wllthd 1 

Sign lip fAt- Miko's F.mail Updates 

Download the City of Los Angeles MyLA311 app for smartphones! 


-- - - - Fri, Jan 13,2017 at 2:10 PM 

Taylor Bazley <> 

To: Debbie Dyner Harris <> 


[Quoted text hidden] 

--- - ' .” Fri, Jan 13,2017 at 3:04 PM <> 


Hey Taylor-I wish I could share your optimism. I hope it works and appreciate the efforts. 

Saul C. Janson, Esq. 

213 Rose Avenue, Suite B 
Venice, CA 90291 
(310) 452 7978 

In a message dated 1/13/2017 2:10:39 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes: 
Hi Saul, 

garden, landscaping, boulders, etc. etc. 
some of it (if not most or all!). 



_Forwarded message-> 

From: <> 

Date: Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 11:16 AM 
Subject: Try... 

= 77 a 710 fe 3 c&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f% 3 A 1555533384351526026 &simpl=msg-f% 3 A 15555333843 .. 


City of Los Angeles Mail - Fwd: Try... 


Hey Mike- 

Try walking your kids and maybe a baby carriage through this to the park. 

Try being a single woman and navigating your evening run through this. 

Try taking your dogs for a walk and avoiding the garbage and food—and human—waste. 
Try riding your bike, alone or with your kids, though this. 

Try getting a good night's sleep with loud noise and partying outside your window. 

Try not to get upset when you see a guy peeing right here...or a woman throwing a bag of 
feces in the bushes by your house. 

All things my neighbors and I have had to and do endure. 

It has actually been—and currently is—worse than when I took these photos. 

I know this is not an easy situation but this can't be the answer. As I mentioned in 
previous email, from what I observe some of these people are choosing to be here. 
[Yesterday I saw a well dressed young woman standing there laughing, eating out of a 
takeout container and chatting on her cell phone.] And none of them are abiding by any 
norms or laws. The tents are up all the time...and the stuff metastasizes daily. And, by the 
way, I didn't need to be admonished by Taylor in your office for referring to the people 
here as "they” or "them". I was and am referring to all the people at the end of my street. 
Let him come and live next to this. 

If a consent decree is keeping the city from cleaning these sites up because it needs to 
safeguard their possessions, it boggles my mind that you and the council have been 
unable to secure places to store this junk and trash—and I have observed up close that it 
is predominantly junk and trash-and bikes. 

My neighbors and I have had it. You and the city are failing us. And, by the way, we are 
mostly caring and socially responsible people. I wouldn't even care that much if a few 
people came every evening, pitched a tent for the night and carried on. Not that that 
should be the solution either, but until a grander plan is able to be implemented, OK. 

But this is totally wrong and unacceptable. 


Saul C. Janson, Esq. 

213 Rose Avenue, Suite B 
Venice, CA 90291 
(310) 452 7978 7 if